Well, I won't explain many thing about fixie right now, since I planned to make another blog to talk about bike (and might be with a little fashion and style on it..) hehee.. Wish me luck and wait for the link soon..!! ;)
Hope I could finish my first post for the blog this weekend..
Anyway, here in Product Design Itenas, we have quite a large workshop. With so many students and so different interest we have here, sometimes the workshop is fun to be seen. On a same time, some students could be working on their task.. while some doing experiment with resin, aluminum, or some other materials for making jewelry.. and some other could be working on their side job, or their own project, make some 'receh' (small amount of money) for 'jajan' (buy little things), hahaaa..
Well, this fixie-thing make so many of us doing a same thing on a same time.. Yup, we are making our own fixed gear..!! Many of us built up our own bike since couple months ago. Some like to have a city bike, while other want a racing, and some doing fixed gear..
Mine, was built up secretly by Sats.. Just met her last week, and I dooo love her a muchmuch!! ^o^ Hyaiiiyyy.. thank yooouuu..!! ^o^

Update-->> Here is the link to my other blog.. I try to capture every single cyclist with their own style-to-bike in my town.. Enjoy it..!! ;)
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